Categories Blog, Recent Work

A Gorgeous Updated Home

Our team at McDonald Contracting has enjoyed improving this home over the last year. The most notable improvements included an extensive kitchen renovation, building a new fireplace mantel, and upgrading their basement and bathrooms. The clients, located in Arlington, are thrilled with the outcome of each project our team has completed. Check out all the work our team has done with them.


Kitchen: BEFORE

Kitchen: AFTER


Bathroom: BEFORE

Bathroom: AFTER

Basement: BEFORE

Basement AFTER:

Other updates we did:

We hope you enjoyed viewing these home projects! Need help with your own home project? Don’t hesitate to reach out and get a free quote!




Categories Blog, Recent Work

Expansive Home Addition

Our McDonald Contracting team just finished the design + build of this gorgeous new home addition and garage in Arlington.  The homeowners bought the house a few years ago, and with an expanding family, they found themselves needing more space. They chose to stay and increase/improve their own home! Their neighbors were incredibly supportive, encouraging them to remain in the neighborhood and approving a special permit because the proposed work exceeded 750 square feet.


The home addition truly transforms this home. We added a two-car garage, living room, large master bedroom, and master bathroom with the new addition! Our team also built the retaining wall featured in the front of the house.


During Construction:



Here is what the homeowner had to say about working with us –

We’re thrilled with how the home addition project came out. Thanks for following along!  Ed

Categories Blog, Recent Work

Impressive Kitchen Renovation

This is what kitchen dreams are made of! New everything with big bright windows, modern appliances, beamed ceilings, and space to spread out.

The homeowners are owner Ed McDonald’s childhood neighbors and when they needed a kitchen, they knew who to turn to. James with the PM on this account and made sure every detail was executed perfectly. Needless to say, our clients are thrilled with their new kitchen renovation.

Let us know what you think of this new kitchen remodel!