Are you preparing for a Home Remodel? Check out some of our tips to prepare and know what to expect!

Deciding to remodel your home is a big decision in which you have to take a lot of factors into account. Whether you choose to remodel an outdated area in your home or create a more pleasant and aesthetic living environment, some steps need to be taken before the job gets started to ensure a smooth remodel. Here are some important tips to know what to expect so you can fully enjoy your new and improved home! 

The most important question to ask yourself is if you will be able to live in your home during the remodeling process. If the remodel will make your home unlivable for some time, other accommodations need to be made to ensure comfortable living during this time. In most cases, you can live in your home during this time, but it is something to consider before starting the project. 

Your To-Do List Before the Remodel:

  • Set up a construction-free zone. Having a designated area that you know will not be used entered by your construction workers can provide peace of mind during the chaos of a remodel 
  • Tuck away clothes and linen you do not need during the remodel to ensure they stay clean. 
  • Move furniture and valuable items away from the construction zone. 
  • If you are staying in your home, plan meals and gather items to prep and cook if your kitchen is in the construction zone. 

Every remodel is different. Meaning the duration of time it will take, how loud it will be, and the mess it will cause will also change. No matter how prepared you are, sometimes there will be highs and lows throughout the process. We are here to help you throughout the process to make sure your remodel goes as smoothly as possible!

Thanks for reading, the team at McDonald Contracting